Telegram mail
Almost everyone has several email addresses – work, personal, for message boards, for social networks. And we do not always carry a laptop with us. But a tablet or smartphone is usually at hand.
Modern e-mail-clients on compact gadgets, if they are not launched in advance, do not report receiving letters through mail services. But it turns out this problem is being solved using messenger Telegram.
Consider what Telegram mail is. What bots can help in solving problems with receiving and sending letters. Existing options for regular users of the messenger.
Telegram Email bot
This is a program that receives letters to the assigned email address, notifies about it in the messenger and allows you to reply to messages without leaving Telegram.
Telegram Email bot
History of creation
The developer of the first Telegram email bot in the messenger determined that the bot should be able to:
- assign a temporary mailbox name;
- redirect incoming emails to chat;
- extend the lifetime of the email address.
Using various developments of advanced users, the author has created a bot based on the patterns of existing commands that allows you to receive and send letters.
The service was named etlgr, the name in the messenger was @etlgr_bot.
What it is used for
This bot, unfortunately, cannot collect messages from mailboxes from different mail services. He creates a new address, which he will track.
Bot filters spam, sends notifications about each message received, allows you to open an anonymous mailbox, for example, to communicate in the Telegram group. Also, using this service, you can send letters from Telegram to the email of any subscriber.
The functioning of the mailer bot
When deciding to download or install etlgr online, you need to sign the “Terms of Use”, which govern the rules for using the service.
In particular, you can get free of charge:
- for one Telegram account only 1 email address;
- the ability to read messages on a web page via a direct link;
- promotional materials in emails.
The cost of the paid use of the bot is $ 1.99 per month or $ 14.99 per year. At the same time, advertising mailings are excluded, and the message is viewed in Telegram. But here it is up to the user to decide how much his comfort costs.
Algorithm of work
The process of using a bot for paid and free subscribers is simple and transparent:
- find through the search in the messenger (search) bot;
- install etlgr by finding it by name in Telegram or by downloading it from a link on the Internet;
- run, get a personal email address in the form
After these steps, you can immediately send emails from Telegram, use slash commands to send emails or configure processing settings.
Channel adjustment is performed using special commands. Let’s say right away that the bot does not ask for anything on its own. In order to customize it, you need not only to know the required character sets, but also to understand in what sequence and when to enter them:
- The first command is given when the Connect button is pressed. /start appears in the dialog line.
- Then type /register. The result is the assignment of a name to the new mailbox.
- If it is necessary to change the language of communication with bot, then enter /lang in the message line.
This completes the bot activation. The following commands are given to set up convenient receiving and sending messages:
- the body of an incoming message is processed using /body_rules;
- if you need to change the format of messages, type /msg_format;
- if it is necessary to select from several boxes and send information to the recipient, enter /send.
To find out the list of your addresses, use the /addresses command. You can remove the unnecessary by writing /release in the message line.
Gmail Bot for Telegram
When it is not possible to change your email address, and receiving Telegram notifications is vital, @GmailBot will help.
This service allows you to read and send emails from free gmail. To register, you need to enter a password.
Gmail Bot for Telegram
To do this, you need to bind the mail addresses of other servers in your Google account.
Mailbot connection is free.
For any network user, this telegram email is the most convenient service.
The only problem is that all addresses of one person are linked.
Creating a Telegram Mail Bot from scratch
Even people who do not know how to write programs can create Telegram-bot on their own. It’s much easier than registering a proxy.
You need to do the following:
- find the @BotFather system bot in the messenger and launch it;
- create command /newbot;
- give the new bot a name that ends with either “bot” or “_bot”;
- connect it to the PuzzleBot web service;
- copy the API key from the Telegram client and paste it into the corresponding window in your account;
- then, to build the service, go to the constructor and model the necessary parameters.
When the Telegram Bot mail is created, all passwords and settings must be saved to the cloud, preferably in Telegram itself (Favorites).
The ability to receive notifications about letters in Telegram, receive mail in one channel is a very convenient service that solves a large number of issues.
You can install the bot etlgr or gmailbot. The choice depends on the goals of the user.
If none of the offered bot meets the needs of the subscriber, you can create your own message tracking service using @BotFather.
In any case, only Telegram allows you to combine mail with a messenger.