Why does Telegram work poorly and what to do in such cases
It is useful for someone who installed the messenger on a personal device to know about the main causes of application crashes. Sooner or later, system errors make themselves felt. If Telegram does not work well, the interface does not load, or an internal program error is detected, for example, a message is not sent, pay attention to possible solutions to the problem.
Often the incorrect operation of Telegram is due to the fact that the user, when installing the application, did not take into account the system requirements for the device or forgot about blocking the service in the Russian Federation.
Application features
Messenger malfunctions occur stably regardless of whether the user has provided a possible solution. The main problems with Telegram are related to changing sessions on different devices.
It happens that on a mobile phone the application was downloaded through a browser that automatically supports a hidden VPN or Proxy connection.
Telegram crashes.
And when installed on a new device, especially on non-standard models of phones or PCs, Telegram stops working or freezes.
Blocking by regulatory authorities is not the only reason why there is no connection. To check the connection, go to a site that allows you to connect a proxy for free by double-clicking.
The resource can be used by users who do not have time to understand all the intricacies of setting up a private location on the network.
The next Telegram feature is the possibility of online support (with updating bugs and errors) only on certain OS versions provided by the developer.
Installing unlicensed assemblies leads to the fact that the program without auto-updates starts to fail. In this case, the user can download a duplicate application from the official developer Telegram X, which is suitable for all devices.
Despite the fact that messenger support has been discontinued for iOs gadgets, the installation of the latest Telegram X versions, including beta-versions, is available for network users. Direct installation is done using the installation files available on the @tgbeta channel. For Android users, downloads are still available on the Play Market.
Errors when communicating through a private messenger occur mainly when downloading to a computer. Often Telegram is buggy if necessary to make important updates on Windows or Mac.
Desktop operating systems are more demanding in this regard. Therefore, not only Telegram, but also the browser, and other programs that require Internet access may not work.
In this case, the user installs the critical download package through a special section of the system, reboots the computer and enjoys communication without delay.
The main problems in the work of Telegram and how to solve them
All problems due to which Telegram freezes are conditionally divided into three classes.
System errors are associated with the incorrect functioning of preinstalled modules from both Telegram and software developers for a particular device. Network failures occur due to the fault of the provider, the control authorities (when blocked) or in the case of hacker attacks on the server, which is not advertised in Telegram.
The reason Telegram lags is the user himself. User errors are limited to a narrow list, but nonetheless often happen.
According to statistics, Telegram errors related to network configuration are most likely. In October 2019, their number was 93%. Also, users often face the inability to send messages in chats and channels. And only in one out of a hundred cases does a person lose access to Telegram functions due to global system errors or bugs in the client’s environment.
Let us describe the most probable errors and reasons why one or another option stops working.
Slowly starts the application
The reason most often lies in a poor Internet connection or Wi-Fi. Before downloading the plugin, the network is checked for operability, for example, by entering a request in a search engine.
There are cases when a Telegram error pops up about an incorrect application working with an error code, or a program crashes (crashes). There are two ways out: wait until the network restores the signal to an acceptable level, or reinstall the messenger if the failure is not related to technical work (malfunctions).
The connection may be blocked by the provider, for example, if the available traffic limit is exceeded. You must check the rest of the package by calling the operator.
Important! To find out about possible failures of Telegram directly, go to the official website. Usually an error is displayed on the main page. If the failure is local, then the only way to restore the connection will be to contact technical support. On such days, users are sounding the alarm in all kinds of forums and specialized sites.
Slows down
Awaiting Download.
If Telegram loads for a long time, after starting the message “Loading” (“Connection”) pops up, this indicates a server problem.
There may be times when the problem is due to interruptions in public networks (Wi-Fi, LAN) or lack of direct access to the network.
Usually, users wait a while, and if the error is not resolved, they contact the Telegram administration. The way out of this situation is to reinstall the application. If the version is not compatible with iPhone or Android devices, download the necessary software from unofficial sources (taking into account the OS and security rules).
Does not load data
The dialogs and main windows of the interface are always displayed during the installation of the working client. However, when using the application in the web version or on another device, secret chats disappear. This is due to the privacy of such chats.
In other cases, the loss or incomplete display of information is caused by:
- Downloading a virus messenger.
- Due to a bad signal (the registration form of a new session and the dialogue with confirmation of the code take a long time to load).
- Conflict between software and device (often this happens after updates).
- Lack of connection with a proxy, VPN.
To solve the problem, you need to check the status – active or offline. If the profile does not display information, they immediately proceed to check the connection.
In the settings of the SIM card, select the type of connection and the number from which Internet access is made. Go to the server settings for the connection. To quickly solve the problem, it is recommended to use the menu item (in the browser), which allows you to connect the device to the system proxy port (Opera, Chrome, Tor, Firefox).
Next, you can try reinstalling the messenger by downloading the latest update. If the system continues to freeze, you will need to reset the settings and roll back updates to the initial state – the factory version without applications and their copies on the account (without synchronization).
Important! If Telegram on iPhone does not work well, check the operation of iTunes or another program installer (file manager for ipa files). Denial of access is often associated with problems in Apple (when using licensed software).
Notifications do not come
The reason is eliminated in two clicks. To do this, the user goes into settings, turns on notifications with the button. Sound and pop-up alerts are also configured if necessary. To do this, the user goes to the tab with dialogs and disconnects notifications from unnecessary channels and groups, or vice versa.
More often than not, you cannot view alerts because you once turned them off. And now you see only the counter of new messages without pop-up posts.
I can’t register
If the registration window does not appear, then the application has detected an error and it is worth restarting it. If the interface does not slow down, and SMS does not come to the specified number, you should check whether the active phone number is entered correctly taking into account the territorial prefix (+7 for the Russian Federation).
After verification, send the request again. The code is valid for 1-2 minutes. But messages sometimes come late. Therefore, before you turn on the SIM card, you should wait before trying to register.
Messages not sent
Telegram often “dulls” when sending letters. The reasons are the most unexpected: the user is not registered in the system, you cannot send messages to this person, etc. If the application itself allows you to write in groups or on your own channel, then the contact has been deleted from Telegram (if inactive for more than 3 months. ), or he blacklisted you.
In other cases, the problem comes from Telegram servers or providers. It takes time to reconnect. The only thing that the user can do is to determine if there is a problem and how soon it will be resolved.
Microphone is not working
A headset malfunction in the device is not so rare. The microphone often breaks due to careless handling of the device or improper wearing of the headphones (as an option).
On the PC, you can check whether the headset is working by starting the “Devices and Equipment” start-up. Active installations are highlighted with the phrase “Ready to use” (on Windows).
To check the phone, they call any subscriber or turn on the recorder. If a voice message is played without sound, the device diagnostics is required.
Photos and videos not loading
If Telegram doesn’t download files well, most likely the network will not pick up the signal. When the user sees the attached file, but sending is not carried out, it is worth going to the profile menu. The “Sent files” tab displays all photos, videos, pictures from personal correspondence.
If the file is not in the list, then the data has not been uploaded to the server. It is necessary to repeat the download after establishing a connection.
Important! Telegram cloud stores files of any format. Restrictions on the volume of the memory is not provided. The individually uploaded file should not exceed 1.5 GB.
Other problems
Possible application errors are associated with the use of third-party versions of Telegram, which are downloaded from various software portals by device type, for example, sites with iPhone programs. Failures occur due to flaws in third-party developers, due to which alternative clients can hang for more than one day.
Pros and cons of the application
The main advantage of Telegram is its fast performance and instant response. If the user begins to write a message in the dialogue, the interlocutor will immediately see this. The application can hang only in case of technical problems. In addition, problems with locks are solved by connecting to the proxy, which is built into the messenger.
There were no significant flaws in the program. The main lags are related to the functioning of the network.
Failures when using Telegram happen for many reasons. Users of upgraded versions are more likely to encounter network errors, and consumers of unlicensed software – with internal assembly lags. Nevertheless, the problem is almost always solved by rebooting the client and then connecting to the network.
However, some internal application errors also occur due to failures on Telegram servers. In this case, the only solution to the problem is to wait for the completion of technical work.