Telegram Plus for Android devices
Everyone who uses Telegram knows about its creator. Pavel Durov, also known as the founder of the social network “Vkontakte”, applies serious security measures to the messenger.
Maximum anonymity and stability in use is ensured, which does not often allow to release updates – they all lend themselves to rigorous testing. But novelty lovers can try Telegram Plus.
What is Telegram Plus
Telegram Plus for Android devices.
This application (also known as Plus Messenger) is developed by third-party engineers. They try to introduce useful innovations into their product more often.
Users can get almost everything they want, and the program has proven that it is safe to use.
Plus Messenger runs on a variety of platforms, including Android smartphones and personal computers.
The main innovation is customization. The user can easily change the color, size of the text, headings, icons and other objects. It will turn out to create original themes that are not only saved, but also sent to the interlocutors.
Note! There is an interesting opportunity – hiding a mobile phone number.
In addition, there are a lot of small “chips”:
- Show avatars in the posts themselves.
- Setting the compression of the transmitted video.
- Display system emoticons and fonts.
- Change background for chat.
- Customize panel sizes with emoji.
- Turn on silent mode for a group or individual user directly from the screen.
- Adding a member to a group from the chat itself.
- Display admins in group profile.
- Disabling the proximity sensor while listening to voice messages.
Difference from the official version
In addition to the above, Telegram Plus has more fundamental differences from the main version:
- Split chats into tabs. You can flexibly configure their display, enable and disable them. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the application. The standard Telegram tabs are present only in the browser version of the messenger.
- Access to conversations using separate buttons. Shortcut buttons are user configurable.
Getting started on an Android device
Download Telegram Plus for Android is simple, this procedure is no different from downloading other applications. It is enough for the smartphone to have Internet access and at least 30 MB of traffic.
Telegram Plus can be downloaded to your phone for free. The application has its own website (, where you will get the latest news on the project, find out the current version (version at the time of writing) and voluntarily support the developers financially by donating the desired monetary amount. There is also a link to download the application.
In addition, for Android, in a simple way, you can install the program from Google Play. We go to the store through the browser ( or the Play Market application. We enter “Plus Messenger” in the search bar, we get to the messenger page. Here you can download it by clicking “Install” (or “Download”). And also read reviews and read current innovations.
There are other sources where you can download Telegram plus on Android. But they may contain old versions of the program, as well as viruses. It is recommended to download Telegram Plus Apk from Google Play – the official source.
The application is installed automatically if it was downloaded for free from Google Play. When downloading the APK of the program to the phone from another site, you will have to install it manually by running it from the file manager. You must first give permission to install from unknown sources.
Account authorization
After installation, run the messenger from the desktop, from the application menu or directly from the Play Market.
Next, proceed as follows:
- In the window that opens, click “Start Communication”.
- Enter the real mobile number. The country code will be determined automatically and will already be entered. Click “Next”.
- A confirmation code will come in the SMS message. Enter the numbers in the appropriate field.
- After confirming the phone number, we get into the account. It remains to begin to configure and use the application. Fill in the account data, upload an avatar, add new contacts.
Messenger Plus has original features that can be controlled:
- Customization, loading themes and options settings are displayed in separate items of the main menu.
- To configure the tabs, hold the click on the current (open). The necessary section will be launched.
- Shortcuts open after clicking on the arrow on the right side of the chat window.
Advantages and disadvantages of the application
The main advantages of Plus Messenger are its innovations (in comparison with the original application). Engineers are actively working on other opportunities, achieving optimized and efficient work with the messenger.
Deficiencies are also present. Users complain about the overloaded interface – a lot of settings, in which just “getting lost”, scares away unprepared people. Some of the innovations are ineffective. In addition, bugs and slowdowns were noticed in the work.
Telegram Plus is an analogue of the standard Telegram from third-party developers. It includes useful innovations for the convenience of users, but at the same time maintains safety standards. Download and install for free.