Telegram contact sync
When installing a messenger on a smartphone or computer, few think about where our contacts immediately come from in the program. This happens because applications can “read” information from the phone books of devices. For this reason, almost daily we receive notifications that a friend is now using the program.
Does this threaten data security? Can I block alerts? How is the synchronization of contacts in Telegram? Let’s deal with these issues.
Telegram contact sync
Telegram contact sync.
The exchange of data between the smartphone and the messenger is called synchronization. This feature is the default and saves you the hassle of setting up installed applications.
There is no need to be afraid of personal data leaks: information is not stored on the developers’ servers. In addition, the messenger team uses a strong encryption system that protects Telegram from hacker attacks.
What is needed for
To synchronize Telegram with your phone means to save yourself from the need to score your friends numbers on a new one. That is, after installing the application, the entire list of your contacts will be displayed. The only caveat: you can see in the messenger only those who use it.
How is going
Bulk adding contacts to Telegram begins at the application installation level. As soon as you start activating the program, it will ask you to allow access to audio, photos, videos and your contact list. Usually, without hesitation, we agree with all the requirements. By clicking on the “Allow” button, we start automatic synchronization.
After that, the list of chats displays friends who have the messenger installed. From time to time you will receive alerts that “.. are now in Telegram.” So .. installed the application. A careful bot sent you a notification about this. You can refuse such a “bonus”, we will describe the algorithm of actions a little later.
Synchronization of telephone and computer versions
Data exchange between the mobile and desktop versions of the application is laid down by default. This means that all the information about contacts, chats, chat data when opening the application on a computer or tablet is similar to what you see on the phone.
Data will be synchronized without your knowledge. The only way to limit the list of contacts on your computer is to disable contact synchronization in Telegram. It is more convenient to do this from your smartphone.
Disable sync
If you do not want to read notifications about friends who have joined the messenger on a regular basis and see those who you haven’t communicated with for years in the chat list, you can disable the synchronization function. In this case, the application will not display unnecessary acquaintances, and you can enter the necessary data manually.
The function is disabled as follows:
For Android Phone
- Open the application, click on the three bars in the upper left of the screen.
- We go to the “Settings” menu, select the item “Confidentiality”.
- We get down to the “Contacts” section. At the inscription “Synchronize contacts” remove the wheel to the left.
Now, notifications will not come, and only those you need will appear in the chat list.
There is a slight nuance here: if you changed the SIM card or used the application from another device, the numbers of “strangers” could appear in the contact list.
This is due to the fact that the program synchronizes data with all devices where there are phone numbers.
To get rid of unnecessary entries, do the following:
- Open the messenger, through the three strips go to the Menu.
- Go down to the last line. At the very bottom you will see the installed version. It is necessary to clamp it with your finger, sometimes the action needs to be repeated twice.
- Then a submenu will appear. In it, select “Reload contacts” or “Reset contacts”.
After that, the list should return to the usual. You can add only those who are interesting.
For iphone
Disabling synchronization here is almost the same as in the case of Android:
- Launch the messenger, through the top three bars go to the menu.
- Open “Settings”, select “Privacy and Security”.
- We are looking for “Contacts”, uncheck the item “Synchronization”.
In order to return the chat list to its previous form and remove contacts from servers, you need to do the following:
- On the main screen in the messenger, click on the settings icon (in the form of a gear).
- In the drop-down menu, click on “Reset Server Contacts”.
For computer
Here the way to remove the excess is not so simple. The fact is that in this version of the program there is no quick deletion of synchronized numbers. The only way out is to delete the phones manually (open the chat, click on the profile photo, select “Delete”).
Contacts not showing
Some users are faced with the fact that synchronization is activated, but for some reason numbers are not displayed in Telegram.
There may be several reasons for this, let’s analyze the most common.
- Your friend has refused to use Telegram.
- You have not updated the messenger for a long time, the program began to “freeze”.
- The installed version of the application does not match your operating system. For example, you downloaded an too old version or tried to install the Android program on Iphone.
- During installation, you refused to provide the application with information about your phone book (contact list).
Ways to solve the problem
- Make sure your buddy is still using Telegram. The fact is that the program automatically removes from the list those who have stopped using it. Call a friend or write him in another messenger.
- Do not forget about the updates. You may enable automatic updates or download new versions manually. You can do this in the app store or on the official website of the developer.
- Install the version that matches your platform. Do not forget to update not only the application, but also the OS.
- Make sure that the number you are looking for is recorded in the phone book. If it is missing, re-enter.
- Try to exit the messenger and log into it again. Sometimes it helps. You can also restart your smartphone.
Contact List Update
Unlike other instant messengers, the procedure takes place automatically. In order to update contacts in Telegram, you do not need to enter any combinations. The only caveat: make sure that the synchronization works (through the item “Confidentiality” or “Privacy” in the Telegram settings). The application will do everything for you.
Telegram synchronization saves you time and displays your contacts that use the application. This feature does not compromise data security. Sync can be turned off, in which case you will have to enter new information manually.